Marjolein Klaassen
Marjolein A.Y. Klaassen is a clinical scientist at CMIT, gastroenterology resident at Isala Hospital in Zwolle, the Netherlands, and former gastroenterology resident at the Center for Crohn’s and Colitis at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). Her research focuses on integrating clinical and computational approaches to enhance personalized treatments for patients with IBD, colorectal cancer, and hepatologic diseases. She is currently the cross-site leader of IBDTracker, the CMIT flagship study in collaboration with MGH, Columbia University, and the University Medical Center of Gröningen, Netherlands. Dr. Klaassen has lectured at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital on the application of artificial intelligence in healthcare and building clinical cohorts for big data analysis.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease Tracker: CMIT Flagship Project