2025 MIT Microbiome Symposium

March 7, 2025

MIT Media Lab
MIT Building E14
75 Amherst Street Cambridge, MA 02139

The MIT Center for Microbiome Informatics and Therapeutics and the MIT Microbiome Club are proud to invite you to attend our annual MIT Microbiome Symposium on Friday, March 7th, 2025 from 9:00am–5:00pm at MIT Building E14. Registration is now open for both in person and virtual attendance!

2025 Microbiome Symposium poster

The symposium will feature talks from established and young investigators, poster sessions, expert Q&A sessions, industry tables, and a networking social to close the day. This year we are proud to host Dr. Christoph Thaiss (Stanford University) and Dr. Jocelyne DiRuggiero (Johns Hopkins University) as our two keynote speakers.

Your participation in this symposium is free. Our goal is to showcase the diverse opportunities available in the field of microbiome science, and we hope that you can join us!

To participate in the event, register for free on our Eventbrite page.

For those planning to attend in person, we kindly ask registered participants to consider our limited space. If, for any reason, you are unable to join in person, we request that you kindly cancel your registration. Your cooperation is highly appreciated.

Please contact cmit.microbiome@gmail.com with any questions or inquiries.

We look forward to seeing you in March!