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Clinical and Biological Predictors of Response to Standardised Paediatric Colitis Therapy
By Katie E. Golden There is currently inadequate evidence-based research to guide the development of treatment regimens in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), which unfortunately translates to a large variation in therapeutic approaches and poorly predicted treatment response. Researchers are trying to change that with the PROTECT trial, a multicenter study investigating pediatric patients diagnosed with […]
Separating Host and Microbiome Contributions to Drug Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity
By Katie E Golden, MD One of the biggest challenges in modern disease treatment is the large amount of variation in anindividual’s response to drug therapy. Despite the rapidly developing pharmaceutical industry, researchers and clinicians still struggle to predict a particular patient’s therapeutic response, or even toxicity, from oral medication. This is determined by not […]
A Defined Commensal Consortium Elicits CD8 T cells and Anti-Cancer Immunity
By Dr.Katie E Golden, MD As current research uncovers the critical role of the human microbiome in both infectious and inflammatory diseases, there is a natural curiosity about its potential for therapeutic intervention. Commensal bacteria have been shown to play a role in protection against infection and autoimmune disease, however we are still at the […]
Even on standardized diet, gut flora change from day to day
Despite a single, unchanging food source in the form of a liquid meal replacement shake, bacteria in the gut are unpredictable, researchers find.
New Study Links Single Gene in Gut Bacteria to Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome
A Summary of Selective Gut Bacterial Bile Salt Hydrolase Alters Host Metabolism by Yao, The gut microbiome is quickly emerging as an important research focus to better understand it’s integral role in human health and disease. The scientific community is discovering how the interaction between intestinal microbial communities and their human host impacts the […]
New Study Uncovers Important Principles of Fecal Transplant Therapy in Patients with Recurrent C.Diff Infection
Summary by Katie E. Golden, MD Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), in which donor feces is transplanted into a recipient’s intestinal tract, has emerged as a promising treatment for both infectious and autoimmune diseases. This therapy has shown impressive efficacy in treatment of recurrent Clostridium difficile (C.diff) infection (curing 85% of cases), prompting research that suggests […]
The Colitis Risk Gene C1orf106 (ROCS) Regulates Epithelial Adherens Junction Stability
Summary by Katie Golden With the recent technical advances in genetic sequencing, a number of genes and polymorphisms have been identified that confer increased risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). Scientific research has not yet elucidated, however, the mechanisms through which these genes promote the pathophysiology of IBD. In this paper, investigators studied the specific […]
Dynamics of Metatranscription in the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Gut Microbiome
Summary by Katie Golden Scientists have identified several genetic mutations implicated in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), and recent research has focused on defining those environmental factors that affect expression of these genes. Over the past decade, investigators have to come to realize that the gut microbiome plays a central role in IBD development and progression. […]
Natural Polyreactive IgA Antibodies Coat the Intestinal Microbiota
Summary by Dr. Katie Golden, MD Immunoglobulin A (IgA), an antibody produced by plasma cells that plays a pivotal role in adaptive immunity, is the most abundant mammalian antibody. It is often found at barrier surfaces, such as the intestinal mucosa, where it serves as a first line of defense against enteric pathogens. IgA responses […]
Innate and Adaptive Humoral Responses Coat Distinct Commensal Bacteria with Immunoglobulin A
Summary by Katie Golden Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is a prominent, widely distributed antibody that plays a critical role in host defense and immune function. Over 80% of all human plasma cells produce IgA and are found in the intestinal mucosa. Research has historically focused on IgA’s role in immunity against pathogenic organisms, but less is […]